Boxed Lunch

We are well on our way into the second week of Kindergarten and so far we’ve survived packing school lunches despite my initial anxiety about it.  I’ve tried to pack her a well-balanced and healthy as possible lunch each day though I’ve had to get creative in order to keep the stress and costs down and avoid setting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich precedence.  She’s had leftovers a few times and I’ve also found it easiest when preparing something to make enough for a few days so I don’t have to do so much each morning.

For protein she’s had:

  • Tuna salad
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Egg salad
  • Leftover Gyro sandwich
  • Fish Chowder
  • Meatballs
  • Edamame

For Veggies she’s had:

  • Rice with mixed veggies
  • Green Peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots

For Fruit she’s had:

  • Natural Fruit snacks/sticks
  • Apple
  • Plum
  • Banana


  • Frozen Gogurt (which is melted but still cold by lunch time)
  • Cheese Stick

I don’t obsess over grains/carbs since we get plenty of these during breakfast and dinner and there is usually a little bit in her other stuff.

SONY DSCI also send everything in reusable containers other than individually pre-packed items like the yogurt, cheese sticks and fruit snacks.  It means a lot of container washing (usually 2 or 3 each day) but it saves money and helps keep unnecessary trash out of the landfill.