Diaper Dread

Well, it happened.  The moment I’ve been dreading for 7 months (maybe even longer).  I waited as long as I could to start Doodle on solids and while there are a lot of reasons why I chose to wait (almost 7 months) there is one that has been giving me anxiety: the poo.

I know, I know…it seems silly.  And to anyone who doesn’t have extensive experience with an exclusively breastfed baby, it probably seems downright crazy.  BUT…breastmilk poo is glorious.  Alright, maybe not glorious cause it is still poo (and no poo is glorious) but breastmilk poo is the Best poo EVER.

For those of you unfamiliar with breastfed babies, let me explain. Babies who are exclusively breastfed (ie no food or formula of any kind) have poos that are bright yellow and liquidy with small “seedy” bits (these are the indicators of a healthy breastfed baby).  Breastfed poo also has a non-offensive smell.  I think it smells slightly sweet though a friend describes it as smelling like buttered popcorn.  It is also super easy to clean up, wipes easily off of baby’s bum and if it does get on clothes, if you rinse it immediately and apply a little stain remover it will wash right out (if you can’t rinse and spot treat right away it can take a few washes but always comes out eventually!).

I’ve also been lucky to have to infrequent pooers.  Breastfed babies’ pooing frequency can range from going every time they eat to only going once every 7-10 days and anywhere within the range is normal and healthy. Honeybun was a pretty frequent pooer, at least once a day but my other two were on the less frequent end of the spectrum.  Sugarplum was a once a weeker and Doodle has been every 4-5 days (though he goes 3-5 times on his “pooing” days).

Unfortunately, though, all the magic of breastmilk poo goes away pretty much as soon as you start solids or formula and you end up with “normal” poos.  I’m talking the smelly, brown, lumpy, sticky poo that is the bane of most parents’ existence.  I have always said I would change breastmilk poo diapers forever if I never had to do 1 regular poo, but poo, unfortunately, is just part of the parenting game and you gotta do what you gotta do. Here’s to looking forward to potty training (or maybe not…)