Best Three Year Old, Ever!

I’m not a fan of mommy wars and all the comparing kids and trying to one up each other but I might start one with my next statement: my 3 year old is better than yours!  It has nothing to do with what she knows or what she can do or anything against your little one, Sugarplum just happens to be the funniest, coolest, best 3 year old I’ve ever known!

I have to admit, I’ve never been a big fan of three year olds.  I’ve always felt the terrible twos had nothing on the threes!  As a teacher, there were very few three year olds I really adored (when they were three).  And even Honeybun was not my favorite during her three year old year.

But Sugarplum has turned into quite the funny kid.  Not only does she say really humorous things, but she makes the silliest yet sweetest little faces and is just so much fun to be around and I’m really enjoying the time we have together in the mornings while Honeybun is at school and we can have one-on-one conversations and just enjoy each other’s company.  She makes me laugh every single day and the best part is most of the time she isn’t even trying to be funny, she is just so darn cute!

SONY DSCBut perhaps the best part of Sugarplum is how sweet she is.  She loves a good hug or snuggle and is so caring and gentle with her baby brother.  She is also very compassionate, always worried if someone else is upset and even though she is three, she is still tiny (only 27 pounds!) and likes to be carried around like a baby and I like folding her little body into tiny little packages and carrying her around.

She is also in a point of accumulating vast knowledge and an understanding of the world around her and it is so interesting to me to hear about the connections she is making and how she sees the world.  A few of my favorite moments for the past few months with Sugarplum:

I got a coupon for free panties at Victoria’s Secret.  I told her we were going to go shopping at the mall the next day to get me some free underwear and she got all concerned explaining “but will they fit you?  Mommy, I think you’re too big for a free underwear” (holding up 3 fingers).  We got the underwear and she’s still confused about how I needed a “free” underwear and it’s come up multiple times.

Sugarplum wasn’t feeling well a few weeks ago and was curled up in my lap when she gently stroked my face and said “I don’t want an old mommy.”  I was confused by what she meant so asked if she wanted a different mommy and she said “no, I want you but I don’t want you to die.”  We often talk about how people die when they are old and/or very sick so she was worried about me dying when I’m old.

Hitler came up in breakfast conversation (how you ask?  Talking about Veteran’ day led to Honeybun questioning why her great-grandpa went to war which led to discussing the places we visited in Germany and Hitler).  Honeybun asked if Hitler was killed in the war and I explained he killed himself which led Sugarplum to ask if he had a hole in him.  Not sure exactly what she meant by her question but technically, yes, yes he did have a hole in him.

We often tease the girls about having things they aren’t allowed to have like beer, wine and coffee and they’re both really good about saying “no, I can’t have that!”  But one time while visiting Hubby’s family for  Thanksgiving, hubby offered her a beer but after her usual refusal she paused and asked then very sweetly “but is it good?”

The kids and I are big time Denver Bronco fans but sadly hubby roots for the Patriots.  The morning the two teams played, the girls put on their Broncos shirts and Sugarplum ran up to hubby, pumped her fists in the air and yelled “GO BRONCOS!”  (Luckily hubby’s a good sport and we lost anyways…I don’t want to talk about it!)

One of my favorite meals/snacks growing up was melted cheese on a tortilla and it has become a favorite of Sugarplum’s as well (my mom call’s it a Mexican pizza, I simply call it a cheesy tortilla).  She declared one Friday “Every Friday I want to have a cheesy tortilla for lunch.”  I obliged that day and a few weeks later we were on our way home after errands and she asked me what day it was.  I told her it was Monday and she replied “I don’t want cheesy tortilla every Friday anymore.  Now I want cheesy tortilla every Monday.”