The past year has been quite a wild ride. I want to write something really profound and moving about my son turning one today, but I just can’t find the words to express the feeling.
It is such a bittersweet day for me. I am excited to celebrate my little guy and how much he has grown, but I can’t help but feel a little bit like I missed it. It has gone by so fast that I feel like I didn’t get the chance to revel in every little moment and enjoy every single day of his babyhood. It’s like I blinked and here we are, one year down the road and what started as a beautiful and magical moment as a family at home has turned into a crazy life but one that I would not give up for the world (because I already have everything I ever wanted!)
Our life with him has been full of surprises and he has proven me wrong time and time again. My inkling he would be early was off (though he was a boy and does have a huge head!). We thought he would be an early walker, but it turns out he’s just fine taking his time and isn’t too eager. My early pleasure with his great sleeping didn’t stick around and we’ve struggled with sleeping through the night and still have regular 5:30 am wake up calls.
But then there’s all the great things that I couldn’t have even wished for like his obsessions with peek-a-boo and his awesomely cute pouty lip and Mohawk. And the way he squeals with delight and charges towards hubby when he gets home from work or the way he lights up to see his sisters and cuddles them so sweetly before they go to bed. Or the amazing fact that he is talking before a year, which my girls didn’t do, frantically waving and saying “bye-bye-bye” (I think he’s a shoo-in for the next generation ‘N Sync!) every time I put him in the car seat. And his sweet little giggle every time I say “you want a booble?”
My sweet boy that I was mildly terrified of before he was in my arms has turned into such a sweet fellow and I am thankful for every second I’ve had with him and truly look forward to all the seconds to come as we continue on this wild boy ride with our awesome little Doodle.
- 1 month
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