My Writing Process

A new blogger friend of mine recently participated in a blogging process blog tour and as part of the tour she needed to nominate other bloggers to participate so I shot my hand up!  Blogging is such a personal thing and I’ve enjoyed reading many others’ posts about their process.

The blogger who nominated me is Dr. Carrie Wells of Huppie Mama.  I met Carrie via the Bloggin’ Mamas network and we have gotten to know each other better recently as she is the coordinator for the bi-weekly fresh produce co-op I recently joined.  I’ve found we have a lot in common when it comes to parenting styles as well as similar backgrounds in education though she is miles beyond me when it comes to success in blogging and there is so much I can learn from her!

1. What are you working on?  While I know it’s frowned upon in the blogging world, I’m a blogger without a plan.  I don’t maintain an editorial calendar nor do I plan ahead much (other than for regular things like my Traveling Tuesdays series).  I usually write what is happening in my life and heart at the moment when I write it.  While I sometimes plan ahead for posts on a certain occasion (like anniversaries, birthdays and holidays) most of my other posts are spur of the moment.

2. How does your work differ from others of its genre?  My work is different from other mommy bloggers I know in the fact that nearly all my posts are mine.  I don’t very often do sponsored posts (though I’m always looking for opportunities!) so my content is what is interesting me and on my mind at the given moment when I sit down to write.

3. Why do you write what you do?  I write what is important to me because I figure it’s probably important to other mommies too.  We’re all stuck in this big, wide, confusing world where we are constantly getting conflicting information and being made to feel like we are making the wrong choices or being “bad” parents and I just want to show that there is no right or wrong, there’s only right for each family.  (You can read more about why I started writing in “What It’s all About”)

4. What is your writing process like? My writing process is a bit scrambled.  I try to write during my kids’ nap time but I don’t usually get far.  I then try to catch up after their bedtime but I’m usually too tired and unmotivated.  So most of the time I’m finishing up my post and adding the pictures in the morning while the kids finish breakfast and do their daily journals.  I find I work the best in the morning but this is also the most hectic time of our day so I am always rushing to just get done!


(This is what I WISH my process looked like: sitting at a cafe somewhere, quietly sharing my thoughts while I sip a hot coffee, fully engrossed in my work, not a care in the world…)

I decided to reach out to a few bloggers I know personally who are either just starting out or doing it just for the fun of it (like me!)  The following lovely ladies will be sharing their writing process next:

Aileen of Newsy Parents is a local blogger I know and former news anchor who now blogs about fashion, food and fun.

I grew up dancing with Kate of A Bit of Beauty and Grace who is not only a beautiful dancer but also a very talented painter and has she has a inspiring way with words.

Rheagan of Sips of Coffey is an American living in Dublin and just launched the new blog which discusses her expat life.

Christine of Empty Breaths is one of my former dance students who is wise way beyond her years.