I am very lucky that aside from a few scary moments (like when Honeybun smashed her head and had a seizure) and the usual childhood illnesses like roseola and colds, my children have always been extremely healthy. But even the small colds and typical childhood stuff can bring fevers so I am no stranger to taking my kids’ temperatures (and a thermometer is one of the items I always take with me in my kids’ toiletries bag I carry when I travel).
I’ve always used the under-arm method of temperature taking for a few reasons. First, it’s easier than other methods for tiny babies. Second, you can use a cheap-o thermometer (which is great for me who is always forgetting to put it back in my bag before we travel!) But, the underarm method is not the most accurate (you are supposed to add a degree to get the actual temperature) and is not always easy on a wiggly little one.
At most of the preschools I’ve worked at, we used ear thermometers which were easy to use, but like the underarm method can be inaccurate (you generally need to subtract one degree to get the actual temperature) and while they are quick and easy for bigger kids, it can be hard to get an accuarate reading in tiny little baby ears. That, combined with the higher cost (and expense of disposable covers), has prevented me from buying an ear thermometer in the past.
But when I was selected to receive a free Braun ThermoScan ear thermometer from Influenster, I have to say I was really excited! Now that all my kids are getting bigger, I know that an ear thermometer would save me tons of time and hassle when my little ones are sick since it reads quicker than the underarm method (which I usually do twice to ensure an accurate reading).
My box arrived while we were visiting family in Colorado so I had to impatiently wait to be able to play with my new “toy” but it was worth the wait! My box included the thermometer, a case and 20 lens covers. The instructions are clearly written and it’s super easy to use.
I tested it first on Doodle who stood patiently while I took his temperature (it takes 2-3 seconds to get a reading) and then begged he me to do it again (he even tried to do it himself when I set it down!) I then tried on each of my girls. It was easy to use and got a good reading each time on each kid (though it did register over 99 on all three which).
I am definitely excited to have the Braun ThermoScan in my mommy arsenal for any and all upcoming bugs we may encounter through the winter!