Doodle Do: First Haircut

This weekend was pretty uneventful.  Other than taking down the Christmas lights and lounging around the house we didn’t get much accomplished.  But we did have one very big milestone: Doodle’s first haircut!

SONY DSCd mohawkWe’ve been talking for months about just giving him a little trim up as his hair had gotten very long and wispy in the back and while I love a cute little long-haired boy as much as the next mommy, our guy just doesn’t have enough fullness to pull it off so we trimmed up the back a little and evened up the top, going back to his original mohawk that had gotten too long and unwieldy to put up.

Haircuts are a big milestone for us.  Both of the girls were three when they got their first haircuts so cutting little Doodle’s hair was a big deal to me!

I decided to do it at home since it was such a small trim and he is terrified of strangers so I didn’t expect him to sit well for a barber (though hubby’s dream is to one day take him to the barber shop for a trim, which he will someday!)  We cut it after he had been swimming so his hair was wet and it ended up shorter than I had intended but it’s still cute.  I used mousse to help it stand up so I could cut the top which helped a lot.


We definitely won’t be professional barbers and if I had paid someone to do it, I’d be pretty upset.  But it got the job done and he’s as cute as always, just a little shorter (and uneven) in the back!

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