10 worst Things About Morning Sickness

Early pregnancy should look like this:


A glowing, excited mommy (though maybe with a better photographer…me on Christmas morning when I was about 14 weeks with Honeybun)

But unfortunately, most women spend those first few glorious months looking more like this:


(also Christmas morning, about 8 weeks with Sugarplum)

Early pregnancy is no glamorous time, that’s for sure but there are definitely some things that are way worse than others about the first trimester and specifically morning sickness.

The 10 worst things about morning sickness?

1. The throwing up (obviously!)
2. How it lasts all day. For 12 weeks.
3. Knowing you have to eat something but getting nauseous at the thought of any food.
4. Trying to stay hydrated while gagging on water.
5. Not being able to go anywhere without fearing losing your lunch by a bad smell or disgusting sight.
6. Pretending you’re not sick (and/or pregnant) at work and social functions.
7. Being laid up on the couch for weeks on end.
8. Sticking your face in the nastiest places like toilets and trash cans.
9. Waking up in the middle of the night ready to hurl.
10. Feeling like you get nothing accomplished in life (aside from growing another human being, of course!)


  1. Jennifer January 19, 2015
    • Melissa January 19, 2015