Don’t Screw with my Nap Time!

By far, my favorite part of the day is nap time.  Not because I don’t enjoy being with my children but because it is the only quiet, alone time I get in life.  Ever.

And my biggest pet peeve by far in life is anyone or anything who prematurely ends my nap time.  My children need their sleep.  I need my quiet time.  We NEED nap time.  Every day.  Without interruption.  Without it being cut short.  Every.Single.Day.

When Doodle was born, we got rid of our landscapers and hubby started doing the yard work.  It was for a few reasons, one being the cost savings.  But more importantly was the fact that they ALWAYS came at nap time.  15 minutes after laying the girls down.  Except they weren’t on a schedule.  It wasn’t like they always came on Tuesday and I could plan ahead.  Nor was it always at the same time each visit.  My kids have always laid down for nap some time between 1 and 3, we’ve never had a strict schedule.  Yet those landscapers knew exactly when I laid my girls down and decided that was the optimal time to come.

The worst part, though, was that it wasn’t just a quick lawn mowing around the house.  It was the lawnmower back and forth outside the girls’ windows.  Followed by the weed whacker.  Followed by the edger.  Followed by the leaf blower.  It was ridiculous and ruined more than one nap time.

And then there’s the mail lady, the glorious, inconsiderate, flipping enraging mail lady.  The UPS guy and the FedEx guy gently knock on the door when leaving a package.  It’s seriously awesome and the way it should be.  But the mail lady?  She can’t go for a simple knock.  Oh no, she has to do the “rap-rap-rap” on the door AND a double doorbell ring.  Are you kidding me?  (and I assure you, I am not kidding.  As much as I love getting mail, our horrid mail lady has ruined more than one nap time).

And I can’t tell you how many nap times have been ruined by other impatient doorbell ringers like the “word of God” sharers and tree trimmers that are “in the neighborhood” who can’t just knock and leave when I choose to ignore them but insist on ringing the bell multiple times just to make sure I’m not interested in their services (and I’m not.  Ever.)

And the phone.  We are those weird people who still have a land line (hubby’s irrational fear of hurricane outages) yet the only calls we get are spam.  But that’s not the worst of it, the worst is that my phone is somehow silent other than between the hours of 1 and 6 in the afternoon when people insist on calling me, seemingly, just to wake my children up.

Bottom line: nap time is precious for all parents, caregivers and little ones, please don’t screw with it!
