You’re Ready for Baby When…

You know you’re ready for baby when…

ready for baby

Even your maternity clothes no longer fit.

You spend more time at night peeing than sleeping

Your belly-button fully pops (for the first time in 4 full-term pregnancies)

Your weight has hit an all-time high

You have contractions pretty much any time you move

Going upstairs feels like climbing Mount Everest

You’re exhausted yet energized and excited all at the same time

All you can think about is going into labor (could this contraction be THE one?)

You stop making plans because baby could be here any time

You are constantly receiving calls, texts, e-mails and PM messages from everyone you know asking how you’re doing

All you can think about is all the things you still can’t have (beer!)

Baby has taken over every crevice of your abdomen

Every inch of you back, ribs, and pelvis aches

You are on a never ending countdown to who-knows-when



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