Our New Halloween House

If you’ve been living in a black hole, tomorrow is Halloween and thankfully, we are almost ready!  Costumes are nearly done aside from two small things for Honeybun and the finishing touches on Sugarplum’s after the mystery of the disappearing elastic yesterday.  I also still need to pick up candy for the trick-or-treaters but that’s easy.

This year coming up on the holidays has felt really rushed and hectic.  I’m sure it has nothing to do with the 8 week old baby that wants to spend all day in my arms.  Or the new house where we’re still trying to unpack and find a place for everything.

I waited on putting up any of our decorative stuff throughout the house because I knew I’d be changing it out for Halloween.  And while mos of the Halloween stuff is out, it’s definitely not arranged as nicely as I would prefer but finding the time to fix it just hasn’t happened (Halloween decorations, unfortunately are permanently at the bottom of the to-do list!)

We did hang up our outside Halloween lights a few weeks ago, though, and that sure was a challenge!  We considered a lot of things when we bought our new house such as which room each child will get and how we will arrange the living/dining room and where hubby’s office will go and my craft/sewing stuff.  What we didn’t even think about was holiday lights.  Until we were out there doing it.  And we quickly realized fitting our old house’s stuff onto our new house was not going to be an easy task.

We’ve never done it the same way year-to-year even at our old house (mostly because we keep adding things!) but we didn’t realize when we moved into our new house how little hanging space there is!  Our old house was a ranch style so had tons of looooooong roofline in which to hang lights.  New house?  Not so much, we only have one easily reachable roofline above the two-car garage which is hardly enough for all the lights we have (we ended up doubling back the two strings we had!)

We also don’t have as many trees.  Old house had a large tree and a smaller tree by the street as well as three small palms at the front of the house.  New house has three larger palms and that’s it!

We got all the stuff up (except for my spider web which is too big for the front window where we hung it at the old house) and it looks nice but truthfully not as nice as our old house and I’m definitely not looking forward to Christmas and finding a place for the boxes of lights we have!
