Sometimes a person comes into your life that you quickly learn you could not live without. A person who is there for you no matter what, thick or thin. Who stands by you always and accepts you as you are, flaws and all. Someone who gives you unconditional love without question, doubt or expectations of anything in return. Someone who makes your life more sunny and beautiful.
I could easily be talking about my husband because he is all of these things, but I’m actually talking about someone I’ve known much longer. Someone who I have known literally my entire life: my big sister.
To be truthful, we haven’t always gotten along. She regularly abandoned me during play when we were young and our high school years were tough. But family has always been super important to both of us and all the fighting in the would never changed our love for each other.
She is a lot of the reason I am me and she is all the reason I have my four beautiful children. I know what it is to have an amazing sibling, I know how wonderful it is to grow up with that forever friend. I know how a sibling is like no other person in ones life. (All things my only-child husband has trouble understanding). And if I couldn’t ever give my children anything else in the world, giving them that would be enough.
She is my original best friend. My closest confidant. One of the only people I can make cry without her holding a grudge (and unfortunately I have a knack for it and it happens more than I’d like). She has taught me more than she will ever know about life but is never afraid to learn from her little sister, either.
She’s been the best aunt to my children and I only hope some day I can be just as awesome for hers.
I really, truly, without question could not have asked for a better person to grow up with and I can’t wait to grow old together too! (Is that too cheesy?)