Eight is Pretty Great

Baby #3, son #1, is 8 today. But, it seems like just moments ago that he joined our family.

My Messy Beautiful Homebirth

Yet, in those 8 short years, he’s lived in 4 different houses. He’s witnessed the birth of his little brother and welcomed his first cousins. He’s been to three different gyms and been on a competitive team for 2 1/2 years. He’s been across the ocean and back (twice), and halfway across the country too many times to count.

And through it all, he’s grown into a tiny little person that’s (mostly) a joy to be around.

He’s our kid that decorates for every holiday. Who asks to get dressed up for dinner and asks a thousand times “how many days until…”

He’s our kid that most of time can go with the flow. He wasn’t fazed by the COVID shutdown last year. And was even less fazed by switching to a new gym he’d never been to when things reopened (and walking in for the first time completely on his own because spectators weren’t allowed inside).

He’s our kid with a complicated food allergy that can’t eat a lot of things but doesn’t very often get upset about it. He’s flexible with having different things than the rest of us, is open to trying new things (and thankfully loves salad!)

He’s our kid that never gives up when he wants something. Whether it’s a special treat, or a new gym skill, or to do a certain thing, he will fight until he gets what he’s after.

He’s our kid that amazes us every day with his wit and thoughtfulness and flexibility (both in the gym and in life).