One of the things I learned during my first trimester with Doodle as I struggled with my weird style of morning sickness was the power of regular eating. The first few weeks I relied on sugar to make myself feel better. When I would start feeling shaky and off, I would pop some fruit snacks. When I walked to pick Honeybun up from school I would throw a Cherry 7Up in the bottom of my buggy just in case I started feeling bad while out.
But what I learned over the weeks was while the sugar helped initially, it didn’t last long. It got me through whatever task I needed to complete (or got me home) but the only thing that really took the edge off for an extended time was a full meal.
This pregnancy I immediately started going towards protein when I was started feeling poorly and it has made a huge difference! The protein not only lasts longer than the sugar, it works better. But it’s certainly not easier. It’s easy to grab some candy or a sugar-filled soda. It’s not so easy to find quick and easy protein (other than protein bars which I try to limit since I don’t like the texture of the protein blends nor do I like over consuming all the other “stuff” in them).
So here’s what I’ve been able to do to get a quick protein punch when I don’t have the time or feel well enough to prepare something:
Peanut butter (8g protein in 2 tablespoons). I have it with crackers, apples or any other delivery device I can get my hands on (I will not confirm nor deny eating peanut butter on a spoon…)
Hard boiled eggs (6g in one large). Boil a few eggs, peel them when you feel well and grab one when you need it (also great for hungry toddlers who need a quick snack but can’t have yogurt or cheese!)
Cheese (5-8g per 1 oz slice depending on type). Nothing is easier than stuffing your mouth with cheese!
Cottage Cheese (13g in 4oz). Scoop in a bowl, scoop it in your mouth!
Yogurt (6g in a container of regular yogurt, 14oz in a container of Greek). No bowl necessary, simply open and shovel!
Nuts (4-6g per oz depending on type, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews and walnuts are the highest). Grab a handful or bowlful and enjoy.
Fully cooked breakfast sausage (10-12g per serving). These are my favorite right now, while not as grab and go as other options, most only take 30-45 seconds in the microwave and you’re ready to eat!