Category: A Mommy’s Life

Taking in a Tragedy

I can’t believe it’s been 15 years.  15 years ago, I sat at home, my school closed, trying not to think about it but stuck wondering what it meant and what the future would look …

Shy with Strangers

When I was pregnant with Doodle, Sugarplum started into a horribly shy phase. As a baby she would easily let others hold her and play with her but as a two year old she wanted …

Home without Help

Hubby has been gone the past few days and it’s always stressful when he’s away.  I don’t really have much to complain about, I know there are mommies all over the world that have it …

Struggling with the Sexiness

I don’t let my kids watch a lot of TV.  It’s not just because the AAP says not to or because other mommies might judge me, it’s because I want them engaged in more meaningful …

The Storm Before Swimming

I’m amazed sometimes by how what I think is a reward can turn into mass chaos is a matter of minutes. Case in point: Thursday night swimming. I love Thursday simply for the fact that …

This Is Why…

I’m not much of a “I told you so” mommy. I strongly believe in natural consequences for my children and allow them to make mistakes and learn from them whenever it is safe. Usually these …

The Stress of Separation

Doodle has come fully in the separation anxiety phase.  While most of his anxiety surrounds my absence, he’s usually ok if others are around.  He will panic if everyone leaves him but is happy even …

Dealing with Dessert

A strange thing has happened at our house: our girls have started begging to help out with chores around the house!  How did we do it, you ask?  Did we beg them, brainwash them, bribe …

On A Deserted Island

It’s the age-old question: If you were stuck on a deserted island with any 4 people, dead or alive, who would you choose?  Brad Pitt?  Albert Einstein?  Anna Pavlova?  Abraham Lincoln?  Babe Ruth?  Mother Theresa? …