I haven’t gotten as many questions this pregnancy as I did previously, maybe I look too frazzled, aggitated or distracted for people to find the right moment, but when I do it is almost always …
You’ll constantly hear pregnant women complaining about being uncomfortable the last few weeks of their pregnancies. The waiting for baby can be exhausting and nerve-racking and the bigger baby gets, the more physically uncomfortable late …
Many people would look at my little Sugarplum and point out all the things she’s “missed out on” in life. She turns 5 today and has never been to school. She has never been on …
Our family survived our latest traveling adventure. Five airplane rides, totaling over 20 hours in-air time, it’s easy to say we are happy to be home! But I also can’t say it wasn’t that terrible. …
Doodle has been extra snuggly lately, constantly wanting to be close to me. He sits right next to me no matter what I’m doing. He sits on what’s left of my lap whenever I’m on …
I remember a friend telling me once that when she was pregnant with her daughter, a woman in the store check out line told her that her unborn daughter had sucked the beauty out of …
I’ve heard it time and time again since I started working with young children 10 years ago, parents proclaiming “my child gave up napping at 2” (or 3 or whatever). Whenever I hear these kinds …
Around this time in my pregnancy with Doodle, I confessed that I’ve never gotten the “nesting” instinct and shared all the things I still needed to do before his arrival including painting, shopping, organizing and …
I would guess it is expected that most people these day will eventually have children. Some of those who chose to have children will stop after one wonderful (or difficult) child. And while every family’s reasoning …
Many women will be told that they should not fly while pregnant, especially near the end of the pregnancy, but my pregnancies have never stopped me. I flew home to Colorado for my baby shower …