Category: Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding While Pregnant

A few weeks ago the kids and I had a play date with Honeybun’s best friend from kindergarten and her little brother who is Sugarplum’s age. The visit started as usual, the bigger four excitedly …

UPDATE: Feeding Places

My original Feeding Places post listing all the places I’ve breastfed my children was quite exhaustive (and exhausting to think about all the time I’ve spent breastfeeding in the past 6 1/2 years!)  But the …

Nothing to Wear

I love going out and I love getting dressed up. And while the getting ready part is not always the easiest with kids around (hence my chronicle “Out Without Kids”), it’s always worth the hassle …

A Day in the Life: Homeschool

I’ve been wanting to do another Day in the Life post since starting homeschool.  I was waiting for a “normal” day but things kept coming up.  Then I realized there is no typical day in our homeschool …

New Parent Advice vs. Reality

Ask anyone and they will surely have a tip or two for new and expecting parents.  A lot of the new parent advice is great and comes from a place of experience and well meaning.  …
Why I Stay Home

Why I Stay Home

A recent report showed the rate of stay-at-home mommies is increasing and it is no surprise to me.   I am very fortunate that our family is able to allow me to be a Stay-at-home mommy of my three …

Better While Breastfeeding

Things that are actually easier to do while breastfeeding: Clip baby’s nails: I seriously don’t know how I would achieve this feat if I didn’t have both of my hands and his hands and him occupied …

Feeding Past the First Year

Now that Doodle is a year old and walking well, the question I get asked the most is “Are you still breastfeeding him?” Usually rhis question doesn’t come from close friends or strangers, but acquaintances …