Category: Breastfeeding

Bonding at the Breast

There are many ways to bond with a new baby and help that baby build secure attachments.  Some parents feel that bond right away but for others it takes a little more time, time to …
My Messy Beautiful Homebirth

My Messy Beautiful Homebirth

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I welcomed my sweet little man into our world.  Almost one year since my beautiful homebirth dream became a reality.  Almost one year since I undertook …

The Stress of Separation

Doodle has come fully in the separation anxiety phase.  While most of his anxiety surrounds my absence, he’s usually ok if others are around.  He will panic if everyone leaves him but is happy even …

Dealing with Doctor’s Visits

Yesterday Doodle had his 10 month well visit with the pediatrician.  We’ve taken our kids to the same doctor since Honeybun was a few days old and even during the time we were living in …

Feeding in the Air

I’m sure by now you’ve heard about Delta’s recent breastfeeding debacle in which a breastfeeding mother asked via Twitter about the airline’s policy and she was informed she must cover or feed a bottle.  I …

Another Day in the Life

I chronicled A Day in the Life of a mommy a few months ago and almost 8 months later, not much has changed in my daily doings: 6:30 Nursing Doodle and checking e-mail 6:45 Making breakfast 7:00 …
Breastfeeding Bonanza

Breastfeeding Bonanza

All Beyond Mommying’s posts on breastfeeding: Why breasts are the important thing you need for a new baby: “New Mommy’s Must Haves” The many benefits of breastfeeding: “Why Breastfeeding is Best…for Everyone” Tips for Collecting and storing …

Finished with Night Feeding

A few weeks ago (before Christmas) this happened: Doodle woke up at 3:13.  Hubby went in to put him back to sleep.  Hubby came back frustrated at 3:35ish.  I went in to put him back …
Learning about Lactation

Learning about Lactation

I took Sugarplum and Doodle out for lunch yesterday.  Nothing fancy, just the type of place where you order at the counter and they bring your food to the table (I had a BOGO coupon, …

No Shame

Something happens when you become a mom: All of a sudden you no longer care about what others think of you.  In a way, you become shameless. In actuality, it starts before you’re really even …