Category: Mommy DIY

Tutu Time

Happy World Ballet Day!  Most of you know that ballet is close to my heart.  I’m a dancer, teacher and choreographer but you may not know that I’ve also been a costume maker.  My specialty?  …

Handmade Farewell Flowers

My Mommy and my Mommy-in-law both lost their own mommies this summer.  My girls were very saddened and made them cards which, in our true family style, never got mailed.  So instead of sending them …

Bread Baking

While I LIKE cooking and baking and the like, I don’t get to enjoy it as much as I want to.  I cook daily but baking happens much less frequently and when I do bake, …


Yesterday was a long day. We started “school” just before 8 and by lunch time (11:30) we had done writing, spelling, science, math and swam for over an hour. We then sat down to read …

Prepping Purees

When Doodle started solids, I started keeping fruits and vegetables cut up and ready to eat in the freezer.  I made squash risotto and threw some into the freezer for Doodle to have another time …

Homemade Play Dough

Play dough is surprisingly easy to make and even the kids can help.  As a preschool teacher we used to make play dough with the kids once every few months.  It’s great for helping kids …

Banana Empanadas

After trying the Banana Empanadas at Tijuana Flats last week, Honeybun has been talking about their deliciousness non-stop!  If you don’t have a local Tijuana Flats to go get your own, here’s a quick, easy …

A Butterfly Birthday Cake

I have a confession to make:  I’m terrible at icing cakes.  Not like “I’m not an expert but it always turns out just fine” kind of terrible, like really, actually, seriously terrible.  Like I just …

8w2aHaHo: Zone 8, Guest Room, Before

Last week of my 8 week challenge and there is this:    Oy.  This room is actually what started the challenge (imagine what it was before that!) I began cleaning it months ago and realized …