The sibling fighting in our house has become ridiculous. My girls fight over EVERYTHING. They obviously argue mostly over toys but they also manage to fight over who is going to sit closest to me, …
Nothing in my mommying life makes me more outright angry than when my children argue, backtalk and give me attitude. In the most extreme cases it makes my blood boil and my heart feel like …
There are so many developmental theories in the world that try to explain why children act the way they do. From Freud to Piaget and Vygotsky, many people (weirdly, mostly men) have researched children through …
Punishment is commonly considered a “dirty” word when it comes to parenting. It’s generally seen as a negative term and is thought to be something that is done TO a person by another and is …
Hate is a very strong word that I try not to use too much in life and there aren’t many things I truly hate in life. The list pretty much amounts to snakes, big spiders …
I’ve had this inner struggle going on since we started Honeybun in a two morning a week French Preschool program last year in Dublin and switching to Pre-K this year has been no easier. It’s not …