It’s kind of been a crazy year. Honestly, I feel like I don’t really remember much of it as it’s whooshed by me at a thousand miles an hour. But, I guess, that’s not a …
As a kid, opening stockings first thing Christmas morning was one of my most favorite things. I loved seeing all the tiny treasures packed into my stocking almost as much as I enjoyed opening my …
My girls are not always that thrilled about having two little brothers. They’re loud, they’re active and they can be wild. And, usually, they have little regard for others’ feelings. Awhile back, Sugarplum lost it …
Summer is a busy season in our house with all of my kids’ birthdays falling between May and September. My girls, however, are only 25 months apart in age and Sugarplum’s birthday is only a …
A few years ago, hubby and I were talking about the kids, life, things. He leaned into to me and said ” sometimes when I’m talking to Sugarplum, it’s like I can see unicorns dancing …
I have a lot of experience with children. In addition to teaching dance, I was also a preschool and infant teacher before becoming a mommy. That is, before Honeybun came along and changed my life …
This month my kids are wrapping up their current grade levels that we began in September and getting ready to move on to the next grade. But it’s purely coincidence that we started are finishing …
We all know that daddies can play an almost super hero role in the lives of their children. Daddies get all the best hugs when they get home from work; are often the preferred parent to …
I used to be really good at planning ahead. I could easily remember everything I needed to do without a planner or calendar. I always arrived on time, and usually early. I never forgot important events …
Four years ago, I knew nothing about being a mommy to boys. Four years ago, I was handed my third tiny bundle. Four years ago we began a new journey. Last night, I kissed Doodle’s …