Category: Tiny Travelers

Warsaw, Poland

One of the places that I was most excited to visit was Poland.  We visited Warsaw when Honeybun was almost 3 year and Sugarplum was 9 months old.  I loved how the experiences we had …

UPDATE: Beach Babies

When I wrote the original Beach Babies post, we’d not yet taken Doodle to play in the sand and splash in the water. Well, Spring Break in Naples finally got hubby to the beach with …

Budapest, Hungary

We have taken our girls many places and there are places they remember, a lot that they don’t and a few things they still talk about.  One of Honeybun’s favorite things to share about our …

Vienna, Austria

Two years ago, we were still in Dublin but we were preparing for the big move back as our time abroad wound down and this is when one of my favorite trips occurred.  It was …

Our European Art Collection

During our first trip around Europe, we wanted to buy every souvenir that we came across but we are thrifty people and also travel lightly so didn’t have room to bring back every treasure we …

Naples, Florida

Last week was spring break.  I remember as a child being so excited for the time off school and it usually also meant a 2 week trip to see my Nana and Grandpa and spend …

Barcelona, Spain

Last night we stumbled into a really nice tapas restaurant and while we almost stumbled right back out when we saw the white table cloths and dimmed lighting, we stared at each other a good, …

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

One of the places we knew we wanted to visit while in Europe was Amsterdam, but not for the reasons most people want to go there.  We decided to go over the St. Patrick’s Day …

Celebrating our Time in Ireland

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  (or Paddy’s Day, but as has been made blatantly clear around Facebook this year, don’t you dare call it “Patty’s” day!)  Last year, I shared my experience of St. Patrick’s Day …

Belfast, Northern Ireland

One of my favorite places we visited during our European Adventures was Belfast.  Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom and comprises the six counties in the Northeast …